Remote Learning
Aims of remote learning
- As stress free as possible for children, parents and staff
- As enjoyable and engaging as possible for everyone
- Appreciate that everyone has very different situations and one size does not fit all
- To ensure that our most vulnerable are cared for
- For the children and staff at home to know that they are still as important to us even though they are at home
- To keep a sense of community and provide stability where possible
This offer will be in place during the national lockdown due to COVID-19. If your child is unable to access our remote learning due to lack of suitable equipment, please contact the school about borrowing a Chromebook for educational use
We are proud of our curriculum and we continue to follow our plans as far as we can. We aim to teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some areas. For example, in PE or design technology where parents may not have the necessary resources available at home, we have adjusted our curriculum. Where we feel a unit of learning is best delivered in school, we have rearranged our timetable to accommodate this.
Families will be called each fortnight so that class teachers can check-in with the parents to see how home learning is going and if any other support can be given.
Remote Learning
We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:
- Live video meeting with their class teacher: This provides the opportunity for the children to ask any questions about their Remote Learning, see the other members of their class and have a live teaching element.
- Collective Worships will take place every day with a video (15mins)
- Writing including spelling and handwriting A daily presentation followed by an independent task to complete. (45 mins) 2 pieces each week will be marked and returned to pupils
- Maths – continuing to follow the White Rose Maths approach with daily videos to support learning (45 mins) This will be self-marking
- Phonics/SPaG: A daily teaching session followed by an independent task to complete. (20 mins)
- Reading books should be read daily and supported with Read Theory in KS2 (30 mins)
- Class teacher reading sessions will take place daily
- RE will be given weekly
- TTRockStars/Numbots:Every child has been provided with a login for TTRockStars or Numbots to help them practice their mental maths. A range of alternative mental maths websites can also be used. (10 mins)
- Wider Curriculum:An additional daily activity will be provided to cover the other areas of the curriculum such as Science, Art, DT, Computing, Spanish, Geography, History, PSHE and Music (30mins)
- PE:The children will be expected to take part in a daily active challenge and a range of activities are provided for the child to choose from
- Challenge Accepted – additional work to provide challenges for pupils
Please note that printable materials may be provided as part of the daily lesson resource pack but the teachers will always aim to provide a way that the task can be completed without any printing as we realise that most households do not have access to a reliable printer and less paper is also better for the environment.
Pupils are also able to access the National Oak Academy website for more video based learning
If your class teacher is in school providing support for the Critical Worker and vulnerable children, they will not be able to respond to online questions that day.
Support with digital or online access at home
We recognise that not everyone will have access to a suitable device at home. To support remote learning in the event of children not being in school we have a flexible, but limited resource of google chrome books to loan out to children whilst they are at home. Please contact the school office if you do not have access to a device at home.
In addition to this we can provide printed resources, such as textbooks and workbooks.
Lesson materials, resources, videos, links to other platforms and feedback will be delivered through Google Classrooms for Years 1-6, Tapestry will be used for Reception classes. Any live lesson elements will be delivered through Google Meets
Assessing children’s work
Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods.
Work emailed will be returned with comments and pupils are able to self-mark to assess
Engagement and feedback
As a school, we will do all we can to support pupils and families in remote learning. However, we really do rely on the support of parents and carers to make this as effective as it can be in supporting our children’s learning and wellbeing. Therefore, we request that parents and carers:
- Keep in touch with us and let us know if they have any concerns about their child’s wellbeing, so that we can work together to support them
- Support children to access all of the online learning and complete all learning tasks set – or if there are reasons why they do not engage with the live learning sessions, to keep in touch with us and share learning outcomes in other ways
- Make a learning space for their child and share expectations with them that they fully engage with their learning and maintain respectful behaviour when attending live sessions
If there is no engagement from the family / child the Senior Leadership Team will be involved and they may follow one or all of the steps below, depending on what is appropriate:
- Phone call home to double check what devices they have, set up and who is working at home. Has anything changed that we are unaware of? What are the barriers?
- Suggest some tasks which encourage learning and develop successes
- Encourage the child to take part in the class Meets
- Discuss whether the child should be in school
Additional support for pupils with particular needs
We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:
- If your child is supported on our SEND register they will be provided with specific learning activities to meet their needs, as appropriate.
- This may include bespoke 1:1 live learning sessions and additional or bespoke learning activities.
- Regular contact is made with parents and carers by the class adults and/or the SEN team, to support the remote learning of these children at home.
Remote education for self-isolating pupils
Where individual pupils need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in school, how remote education is provided will likely differ from the approach for whole groups. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.
Additional work will then be provided by the class teacher via email and paper-based learning materials will be provided, for those that require it, containing information and activities.
All pupils have their individual reading books; additional books will be provided for the period of self-isolation. Any children with additional needs, will be provided with a pack of learning personalised learning. Learning packs will be made available within 2 days of the school being notified of the pupil’s requirement for self-isolation should they require copies, and should be collected from school, or arrangements will be made to get them to you.
Pupils should also access Mathletics (or Numbots)