St John's C of E Primary School

Emotional Health and Well-Being

Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. (World Health Organization)

We recognise that children's physical and emotional health and wellbeing is fundamental and also believe that for children to thrive within our diverse community, their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development should be fostered and supported. earning in Health and Wellbeing ensures that children and young people develop the knowledge, understanding and skills which they need now and in the future.

Our Emotional Health and Well Being Policy can be viewed here

Healthy Schools The School has received accreditation as a Healthy School, (the assessment of which encompasses physical, social and emotional health and wellbeing).

Physical Education  All classes do weekly PE lessons which are designed to be active, creative and fun.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) provides a context for supporting children's wellbeing through teaching and learning. 

Philosophy 4 Children Children are taught how to create their own philosophical questions. They then choose one question that is the focus of a philosophical enquiry, or dialogue. 

Behaviour Management The use of Restorative Practice by all staff ensures that children feel listened to and that they have a chance to give their side of things even when they are in the wrong. Children are encouraged to take responsibility and to be part of the fixing process in matters of their behaviour. When things are not going well we think it’s important that children are able to talk about it.

A wide range of music, drama and performing arts shows, activities and workshops offer opportunities for self expression in many different ways.

Where to get information and support For support on specific mental health needs

Health, Wellbeing and Emotional Wellbeing Support for Children in Surrey

Anxiety UK
Depression Alliance
Eating Disorders and
National Self-Harm Network
Suicidal thoughts Prevention of young suicide UK – PAPYRUS:
Mental Health champions young people’s mental health and wellbeing advice and support on mental health problems (e-learning)
Mental Health tackles the stigma of mental health challenges attitudes towards mental health

Other Resources for further support 

NSPCC - resouces

Surrey emotional well-being and mental health support pack-including useful APPS

National Sources of Support

Top Tips to Support Mental Health

More Top Ten Tips

Useful Reference Books