A Christian School
"As a result of the trusting Christian ethos pupils grow into respectful, well behaved and compassionate young people who have an understanding and respect for diversity and difference together with a motivation to help others in their community and beyond." Ofsted, Nov 2013
As we are a Church of England School, our Christian faith lies at the heart of our ethos, creating and fostering a considerate community whilst providing a stimulating and creative learning environment where children come together to develop skills and values for life.
Our school has a strong Christian ethos which permeates throughout school life. Pupils are aware that: 'everyone is your neighbour and there is always someone to help you' and feel their voices are always heard. We strive for our pupils to develop morally, socially and personally as well as academically. Driven by our Christian ethos, St John’s are actively involved in a wide range of charities.
Our RE policy can be read here
We believe that each child should leave school with:
- A sense of moral and spiritual awareness
- A sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them
- A love of learning and the desire to achieve
- A growing ability to relate to and communicate with other people
- A sense of their citizenship of the school and the wider community
- We aim to develop spirituality and a sense of meaning in everyone
Collective Worship - please see our policy here
Collective Worship is an important part of life at St John’s. All staff and pupils attend the local parish church, our vicar makes regular visits to the school and there is a clear pattern of worship throughout the year. There is a common structure to the acts of worship which enhance our involvement with the parish and the focal point of candles and cloth add to the feeling of worship as a special time. The school attends the parish church for services at major festivals and writes articles for the parish magazine.
We are committed to ensuring our pupils leave our school as respectful, considerate and aspirational young people who are inspired by Christian values.
"The caring ethos of the school makes a positive contribution to pupil personal development."