St John's C of E Primary School

School Forms

Please find below some of the forms you may need whilst your child is at St John’s C of E Primary School.  They have been provided in a pdf format for you to print off, complete and return to the school office via email to 


Leave of Absence for Exceptional Circumstances

A Leave of Absence form is to be completed to request absence from school throughout the school day.

Any leave of absence has to be applied for at least a week in advance, using the form below; each case is reviewed individually but please be aware that absence will be authorised in only the most exceptional of circumstances.

Holidays during term time will never be authorised. Any unauthorised absence may result in a penalty notice of £60 per parent per child from Surrey’s Educational Welfare Department.

Please avoid making dental or medical appointments for your child during the school day; if an appointment is absolutely necessary please show your appointment card (preferably in advance) to the school office as evidence for this absence.

Leave of Absence for Exceptional Circumstances Form


A Pupil Medication Request Form needs to be completed for any medication that needs to be given to your child during school. 

Change of Details

If any contact details change, please complete and return a Change of Details Form.

Breakfast and After School Club

If you wish your child to attend Breakfast or After School Club, a Registration Form and a Contract of Agreement need to be completed and returned to the school.   Booking forms must also be completed.  Please click here for further information.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

Please click here for details of the extra-curricular clubs running this term, as well as the relevant application forms.