St John's C of E Primary School

School Meals

The school is equipped with its own kitchen, staffed by a cook and kitchen assistant, for the provision of daily midday meals. The meals are high quality and meet the nutritional standards set by the Department of Education. If there are medical reasons why your child cannot eat certain foods, parents are asked to notify us in writing.

Our caterers are Radish. More information can be found on their website  If you need to contact them, please do so by emailing them at:

Ordering School Meals

If your child requires a school meal this must be ordered using ScoPay - this includes all children who are entitled to a free school meal.  Instructions on how to do this can be found here.  School meals should be ordered by lunchtime of the previous day.


Menu (please click to download)

Summer Menu 2024 - Weekly Menu

Summer Menu 2024 - Allergens


Payment for Meals

The price for a school meal is currently £2.45 per day.  All school meals must be booked and paid for a day before required, using the ScoPay system. 


Free School Meals

All KS1 pupils (Year R - Year 2) now receive a Free School Meal.  In addition, pupils may receive free school meals if their parent(s) are in receipt of Family Income Support, Income-based Job Seekers Allowance or Child Tax Credit (but not if they are entitled to Working Tax Credit or if their annual income as assessed by the Inland Revenue exceeds £16,190 in the current tax year). Please request an application form in confidence from the school office. Parents are encouraged to apply for free meals even if you receive a government funded free meal in KS1 or if you prefer your child to have a packed lunch, as this attracts valuable additional funding for the school, which will also be used to give extra support to your child.


Packed Lunches
If your child would prefer to bring a packed lunch, please ensure that this contains no nuts or nut products, as we have children in school with severe allergies. Any drinks should be in a plastic container or carton. No glass or cans of fizzy drink should be brought to school. Please ensure that all lunch boxes are clearly named.

All food in lunch boxes should be eaten at lunch time. In addition, junior children may bring in a further fruit snack for morning break. Infant children have fruit for morning break provided by the school.