Year 1 Curriculum
Literacy - for more information about our literacy curriculum click here
Please click on each book for more information#
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
Year 1 Maths Overview |
Maths Calculations Demonstration Videos
Additon 1 | Addition 2 | Addition 3 | Subtraction 1 | Subtraction 2 |
Subtraction 3 | Multiplication | Multiplication 2 | Division |
Maths Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge Organisers support pupils with information and methods they should know
Place Value | Add/Subtract | Shape | Values to 20 | Values to 50 | length/mass |
times/ divide | Fractions | Positon | Direction | Money | Time |
White-Rose Home Learning Books - to support Maths learning at home
Autumn Term | Values to 10 | Add/Subtract to 10 | Shape | Values to 20 |
Spring Term | Add/ subtract to 20 | Values to 50 | Length | Mass |
Summer Term | Times / Divide | Fractions | Position | Value to 100 | Money | Time |
Project work / Topic
Our linked learning is currently being updated
Home Learning
Some learning support activites to use at home
English and Maths Learning pack | Guidance and answers | Practical Ideas |